Elite Dangerous: La verdad de la guerra contra los Marlinistas



Por casi un año las flotas Corralito de Acción Independiente CAII sufrió el ataque encubierto de Dark Wolf Marlinist, una flota de jugadores que adoptaron las facciones menores que todos nosotros ayudamos a crear en una misión comunitaria.

For almost a year Corralito de Acción Independiente suffered under covert attack from Dark Wolf Marlinist, a player fleet who adopted marlinist minor factions that all of us helped to create in a community goal.

Los ataques a CAII los justificaban diciendo que eran de jugadores random en búsqueda de materiales de ingenieros debido a que la facción menor de CAII es una anarquía.

The attacks on CAII were justified by saying they were from random players looking for engineer materials due CAII’s minor faction is an ingame anarchy.

Todo esto resultaron ser viles mentiras ya que algunos jugadores marlinistas tenían sus logs de Inara públicos y aquí están algunas pruebas:

All this was vile lies as some Marlinist players had their Inara logs public and here are some proofs:

YORKY3093-Fail-Missions-1 YORKY3093-Fail-Missions-2 MADD0X-Expired-Missions-1 MADD0X-Expired-Missions-2 MADD0X-Expired-Missions-3

Cuando CAII le mostró las pruebas a los marlinistas estos se mofaron y rieron de ellos. Y también otra víctima de las hienas marlinistas era la facción Close Encouters Corps que también estaba siendo atacada en las sombras.

When CAII showed the evidence to the Marlinists they scoffed and laughed them. And also another victim of the marlin hyenas was the Close Encouters Corps faction who was also being attacked in the shadows.

Los marlinistas son los que atacaron a CAII y CEC y comenzaron este conflicto, y ahora lloran en el foro oficial de Frontier diciendo que son las víctimas y que los están atacando sin razón. Lo peor es que algunas flotas y jugadores creyeron en las mentiras y engaños de los marlinistas luchando en el lado equivocado… del lado de los malvados que iniciaron todo esto.

The Marlinists are the ones who attacked CAII and CEC and started this conflict, and now they cry on the official Frontier forum saying that they are the victims and that they are being attacked for no reason. The worst part is that some fleets and players believed the lies and deceptions of the Marlinists and are fighting on the wrong side… on the side of the bad guys who started all this.

Y también generaron una guerra entre las facciones de CAII y CEC ofrecieron al líder de CAII atacar a CEC… otra muestra de sus mentiras y de lo que son capaces de hacer

And they also generated a war between CAII and CEC factions, an later they offered to CAII leader to attack CEC… another example of his lies and what they are able to do


Los marlinistas y sus aliados (como Nova Navy) están perdiendo la batalla y los hemos retirado de algunos sistemas y han perdido el control de muchos otros.

Marlinist and his allies squadrons (like Nova Navy) are losing the battle, we already removed them from some system and they lose the control of many other.

Como nadie es feliz destruyendo a una facción de jugadores y el trabajo de años CEC y CAII le ofrecieron a los Marlinistas un pacto para finalizar la guerra. Un pacto justo para evitar la total aniquilación de todas las facciones marlinistas. La respuesta de su líder es un poema al odio, de un jugador tóxico y mal perdedor que cruza todos los límites de un juego para atacar y herir a las personas involucradas.

As no one is happy destroying a faction of players and the work of years CEC and CAII offered the Marlinists a pact to end the war. A fair pact to avoid the total annihilation of all the Marlinist factions. Their leader’s response is a poem of hate, of a toxic player and bad loser who crosses all the limits of a game to attack and hurt the people involved.

Toxic-Marlinist-answer.png Toxic-Marlinist-answer-CAII-CEC.pngEs difícil entender que has sido engañado por los Marlinistas y luchado en el bando equivocado ahora que vez las pruebas… los jugadores Marlinistas son lobos en piel de oveja que manipularon a muchas personas e intentan impunemente tapar sus actos violentos y arrogancia con mentiras. Por favor comparte esta nota con tu flota y amigos para que conozcan a este tipo de jugadores tóxicos que hacen realmente mal a la comunidad del juego que amamos.

It’s hard to understand that you have been deceived by the Marlinists and fought on the wrong side now that you see the evidence… Marlinist players are wolves in sheep’s clothing who manipulated many people and try with impunity to cover their violent acts and arrogance with lies. Please share this article with your squadrons members and friends to know these kind of toxic players who do really bad to the game community that we love.

Acerca de Nuni

De chico soñaba con ser Roy Fokker. Los Decepticons eran mis ídolos. Siempre quise que Gargamel matara a los pitufos, que a León-O le quitaran su espada y que ALF se comiera al gato. He-Man es gay.

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5 comentarios

  1. You didn’t provide context for the final screenshot. He got furious with you because you wasted his time by reaching out to him for a «peace deal» that was merely just you demanding a full surrender of all Marlinist systems and mocked him when he said no.

    • As no one is happy destroying a faction of players and the work of years CEC and CAII offered the Marlinists a pact to end the war. «»»A fair pact to avoid the total annihilation of all the Marlinist factions.»»»

      You should make sure to include the pact you wrote Nuni, it’s very fair. I’ll add it for you:


    • Usted se equivoca, desde CAII Y CEC le pedimos que abandonaran nuestros sistemas, para que no hubiera más problemas, y que debe pagar el precio por sus acciones, es evidente, nosotros no le pusimos fotos de perros en esta negociación, como hicieron con nosotros, nosotros no mezclamos la vida real con el juego, nosotros no insultamos, los tratamos con respeto, cosa que aún no han hecho ellos hacia nosotros. Te parece bien cerca de un año aguantando sus ataques, en nuestros sistemas, queriendo poner flotas aliadas unas en contra de las otras, es obvio que usted esta influenciado por el victimismo de este señor, que se reía de nosotros cuando ponían en nuestra contra a las flotas aliadas en server de diplomacia de la zona. Siga usted con esa idea equivocada, nosotros sabemos que lo que hacemos, lo hacemos con la convicción de tener la verdad de nuestra parte.

      You are wrong, from CAII and CEC we asked you to leave our systems, so that there would be no more problems, and that you must pay the price for your actions, it is evident, we did not put photos of dogs in this negotiation, as they did with us , we don’t mix real life with the game, we don’t insult, we treat them with respect, which they haven’t done to us yet. It seems good to you about a year enduring their attacks, in our systems, wanting to put allied fleets against each other, it is obvious that you are influenced by the victimhood of this man, who laughed at us when they put against us the allied fleets in server of diplomacy in the area. You continue with that mistaken idea, we know that what we do, we do it with the conviction of having the truth on our side.

  2. You are wrong, from CAII and CEC we asked you to leave our systems, so that there would be no more problems, and that you must pay the price for your actions, it is evident, we did not put photos of dogs in this negotiation, as they did with us , we don’t mix real life with the game, we don’t insult, we treat them with respect, which they haven’t done to us yet. It seems good to you about a year enduring their attacks, in our systems, wanting to put allied fleets against each other, it is obvious that you are influenced by the victimhood of this man, who laughed at us when they put against us the allied fleets in server of diplomacy in the area. You continue with that mistaken idea, we know that what we do, we do it with the conviction of having the truth on our side.

  3. What was this peace deal that was offered?

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